Sunday 24 October 2010

first pass of anim on youtube

So having said that yesterday I bit the bullet and put the first pass of my animation online.  I put it on you tube at 
I sent it to some trusted colleagues to get some feedback on it.  I got twenty two views in the first day of it being online.  Some Likes, no Dislikes.  

what I'm looking at is getting feedback on the story.  I know there's a lot of animation tweaking to be done, but in all honesty at the moment I just want to finalise the shot list, it's kind of like an advanced first pass of blocking. 

If you have any comments on the story
.  Does the story hook you, does it make sense, are you clear on what it is putting across?  As a writer how can I improve the plot bring out the characters more.

Or the direction
the narrative: does it make sense, do you want to learn more, how can I make it more enticing?
 the direction: where can I improve the pacing, do I hold too long/not long enough on certain shots, the composition, alternative shots I could use, camera movements, redundancy?

From here I’ll do the second pass of animation and before the more expensive tasks of lighting and rendering… there’s no turning back then…. aahhh!!!!


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