This lesson will quickly and easily push you beyond the top layer in Houdini and you will leave understanding the different mindset required to quickly and easily start using Houdini.
In lesson 1c you will learn
- How to group objects together
- How to transform the whole group
- How to transform individual elements of grouped objects
- Layout options in Houdini
- maximising the viewport
- creating extra attribute editors
- linking windows to follow each other
- how to have windows stay independent of the selection
- colouring nodes
- creating netboxes (what a netbox is) and colour those
- How to ghosting other objects
- Where the wireframe and shaded displays buttons live
The Full list of videos in the Maya to Houdini Conversion Course series here
Enjoy the lesson.
Please do use the share buttons to tell other artists who may be struggling with the switch across from Maya to Houdini.
Watch other videos in the Maya to Houdini Conversion Course series here
Why I created the course?
I've been working as a VFX artist for over ten years, one of the most common questions people ask when moving across from Maya to Houdini is 'how do I do xxxxxxx in Houdini, it's so easy in Maya, but I can't find the function in Houdini'.
Well the fact is that every software is different, not only do the functions have different names but different 3D software is built upon a whole architecture. To shift from Maya to Houdini requires to understand how the two pieces of software were built upon different architecture.
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